Hexe - Tracker

Character info

menu_book Story

--- to be reworked but base concept is the following ---

Hexe has always had trouble making friends. Northern sabers were largely solitary. Frozen lands made resources scarce and competition fierce.

So Hexe got used to living on her own, even though she found it hard to organize herself and provide for her basic needs.

The saber is torn between her need for companionship and her difficulty in interacting with others. For this reason, she risks exploring beyond the borders of her territory. She often comes up against the bitterness of others of her species, but she doesn't give up and tries again to connect with others.

Her lack of experience leads her to make bad encounters and isolate herself in her territory for fear of reliving her bad memories. Until one day, a child of Assur made her an offer she couldn't refuse. From that fateful day forward, Hexe's life takes a different turn. Which would ultimately lead to her own death, and a terrible curse.

She becomes an anomaly—a reality shifter, existing and non-existing simultaneously, traversing countless iterations of Prehistoria. Now, Hexe grapples with the consuming power of her abilities, determined to find a means of stabilization that will allow her to persist. This curse plagues her with a constant void in the heart. Being every version of herself, everywhere, all at once, Hexe feels as if she belongs nowhere and desperately seeks something akin to a family.

person Personality

  • Courageous: Hexe possesses remarkable bravery, facing adversity head-on and displaying unwavering determination in the face of challenges.

  • Compassionate: Hexe's caring nature shines through their interactions with others, displaying genuine concern and empathy for those around them.

  • Adaptive: Hexe possesses a remarkable adaptability, honed through their encounters with various realities and iterations of themselves. They have learned to navigate unfamiliar situations, quickly adjust to new circumstances, and find innovative solutions to unexpected challenges. Their ability to adapt allows them to thrive in ever-changing environments and make the most of their unique perspective.

  • Naive: Due to their trusting nature and idealistic outlook, Hexe can be overly trusting, often failing to see the hidden motives or ulterior intentions of others.

  • Self-doubting: Despite their remarkable qualities, Hexe tends to doubt themselves and perceive their kindness as a weakness. This self-doubt hinders their decision-making and confidence.

  • Impulsive: Hexe's desire for exploration and a sense of belonging sometimes leads them to make impulsive decisions without fully considering the consequences, potentially putting mostly themselves and sometimes others at risk.

psychology Skills

Random Knowledge
Void Stare
Fate's Embrace
Multiversal Glimpse
Nexus Manifestation
Random Knowledge
Hexe is curious by nature and this curiosity lead them to be a jack of all trades master of none. Their inner library of random and seemingly unrelated knowledge serves as a nice complement to their peers own knowledge.
Void Stare
Hexe lets the curse takes over their appearance, giving them a threatening aura and eerie features that intimidates and repels other beasts. This serves as an excellent passive defensive skill to ward off hostile beasts. However letting using the curse this way allows corruption to creep in further. Maintaining the void stare for too long can lead to lose of control over themselves
Fate's Embrace
Hexe connects themselves to ongoing alternate presents, projecting into the target's mind a vivid glimpse of an parallel present where their demise is imminent. This haunting vision disorients the target, instilling fear and causing them to hesitate or cower in the face of the perceived threat. The primary purpose of this ability is to prevent or diffuse conflicts by incapacitating adversaries without causing physical harm. The effects gradually wear off, dissipating within a relatively short period (approximately an hour at most). The exertion of manipulating the target's perception taxes Hexe's own mind, leaving them vulnerable to psychic feedback and potential psychological backlash, necessitating caution in its usage and limited application to avoid overextending their own mental well-being.
Multiversal Glimpse
Can activate on its own, which is a drawback. Hexe's eyes possess the unique ability to perceive alternate presents across different timelines. They can experience events happening simultaneously in other realities. This grants Hexe the advantage of adapting their behavior to avoid similar events. However, each death witnessed induces panic attacks, temporarily disconnecting them from the current reality and making them vulnerable and distressed.
Nexus Manifestation
Hexe can manipulate the fabric of reality to create temporary portals or gateways between different timelines or place of world. They can open these portals at a cost, allowing themselves and others to travel between realms. This ability provides Hexe with a means of exploration and transportation. The intricate control required to sustain the portals can be physically and mentally exhausting, failure leading to a portal into the void, limiting the usage to once a week.
A side effect called multiversal glitch causes Hexe to unvoluntary glitch into alternate timelines for a very brief moment. Blurring the sense of reality and leading to disorientation and confusion.

groups Relationships


"Why are you crying, child? How did your face become so pained?" - Eve

Hexe is drawn to Eve's unwavering confidence and her ability to manipulate situations to her advantage and also stabilize their curse. They see in Eve a certain strength and conviction that they feel they lack within themselves. While they question the genuineness of Eve's affection and the extent of her twisted care, deep down, Hexe longs for the comfort of surrendering and lay their life in someone else's paws, to finally find solace in relinquishing control.

They constantly question their own worth and struggle with the immense responsibility of their powers. Eve's charismatic and manipulative nature casts a veil over Hexe's analytical mind, temporarily quieting their relentless introspection. They allow themselves to embrace a sense of naivety, willingly overlooking Eve's true motives and embracing the illusion of safety that she offers. In doing so, Hexe experiences a respite from the overwhelming weight of their own existence.


--- to be developped Hexe is scared of Eryx but at the same time they feel a deep loneliness to which they can relate to. They act submissive as a way to protect themselves from Eryx and as a way to cope, pretending it's all fine---